Monday, 10 February 2014

"The City's Gates"

Picture showing City Gate
   Urban transport in Trinidad immediately calls to mind City Gate. The Public Transport Service Corporation (PTSC), known widely as ‘City Gate’ is literally as the latter states; it is where hundreds of persons on a weekday converge from all corners of the country to enter the capital, Port-of-Spain.  It is the main public transport system in the country facilitating mass transportation. Vukan Vuchic defines public transportation as service provided by public or private agencies which is available to all persons who pay the prescribed fare. In this photo what I wanted to convey was the central point through which the city receives its commuters, the majority of which are the working class.

  The development of transport systems aided the growth of urban areas as it brought persons from the rural areas to the city for work and residence - urbanization. The efficiency of the system is pertinent to the function of the city as workers are an asset to the business district. This view is supported and amplified by Vuchic as he states "Moreover, transit systems are also needed in urbanized areas to make high-density of diverse activities, such as residences, business offices, factories, stadia, etc.,physically possible, while keeping cities livable and attractive for people."


Vuchic, V. R.1981. Urban public transport: systems and technology. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. (accessed April 10, 2014).